Lamium album

Also known as dead nettle.
The story…
White nettle is native to Europe. It grows on nitrate-rich soils, often wasteland, perennial edges or old walls. It is usually 30-50 centimetres long, and can grow up to 1 metre under favorable conditions. Unlike true nettles (of the genus Urtica), white nettle does not sting and is distinguished by white flowers and a square-sectioned stem. The young leaves and flowers are edible, in salads or cooked as vegetables. Its scientific name, Lamium, comes from the Greek name Lamia, which is given in mythology to several female monster creatures, perhaps because the corolla of the flowers can – for an imaginative mind – evoke a wide-open mouth.
Gynaecological disorders
White nettle soothes painful periods and regulates excessive bleeding thanks to its hemostatic and astringent properties. It is also useful in cases of leucorrhoea (white discharge) and during pre-menopause.
Infusion: 1 tablespoon of leaves or flowers per cup; brew for 10 minutes and drink 2 or 3 cups per day.
In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.