Hypericum perforatum

Also known as common or perforate St John’s wort, balm of warrior, touch and heal, tipton’s weed, rosin rose, goatweed, chase-devil or klamath weed.
The story…
St-John’s wort is native to temperate regions of Europe and Asia, and spread to regions of same climate around the world. It grows in chalky soils, in dry and sunny areas, on roadsides, forest edges, meadows and slopes. In the Middle Age, it was known as a “chase-devil” and used to drive evil spirits away. St John’s wort is named as such because it commonly flowers, blossoms and is harvested at the time of the summer solstice in late June, around St John’s Feast Day on 24 June.
Light depression
St John’s wort is useful in periods of gloom and melancholia, anxiety, and lack of motivation. It appeases nerves, for example during seasonal depression, after and emotional shock, and eases anxiety. It helps to sleep when insomnia is due to stress and balances the mind in case of sudden mood changes, hyperactivity or hypersensitivity. Drink every day as an infusion, during 2 to 4 weeks.
Contusions, wounds and burns
St John’s wort has a quadruple effect on injuries: antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and cicatrizing. It is used for fairly small wounds (cuts, scratches, etc.), first degree burns (notably sunburns), and after a trauma: it accelerates the healing of bruises and ecchymosis, as well as edemas and eases the pain of muscle contortion – as well as of muscle cramps. Apply oily macerate as a massage.
Infusion: 15 to 20g fresh or recently dried flowers per liter water. Drink 3 to 4 cups a day, preferably during meals.
Contraindicated for people taking an oral contraceptive or certain treatments against cancer, HIV or psychiatric, and people suffering heart issues. Professional advice is necessary for people taking drugs in general because of various possible interactions. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.