Salvia officinalis

Also known as garden, culinary or golden sage, Dalmatian sage, and broadleaf sage.
The story…
Sage is native to the Mediterranean region. It can be found in temperate regions, on light and well-drained soil and sunny areas. Ancient Romans gathered it with a special ceremonial, without using usual iron tools and “wearing a white tunic, foot bare and well washed”, after having sacrificed bread and wine. Later, it became French king Louis XIV’s favourite infusion. The name sage comes from latin salvare, save, cure.
Menstrual cycles regulation and menopause
Sage infusion eases pain due to periods, as well as feelings of cold, weakness and light drop in blood pressure. It helps to regulate quantity, periodicity and duration of periods, and have an antispasmodic effect, which means that it eases cramps. It also limits hot flushes during menopause, as well as other disorders, by stimulating estrogen receptors and decreasing perspiration.
Cerebral tonic
Sage is stimulating during periods of tiredness, recovery, nervous prostration or overwork. It has a tonifying effect on the nervous system and blood circulation and the infusion is useful in case of depression, asthenia, dizziness and hypotension.
Infusion (dry leaves): 1 to 3 g per cup; infusion for 10 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day, cold for hot flushes and perspiration, hot for tiredness and periods.
Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing women, people suffering epilepsy or taking certain anticoagulants, neuroleptic drugs or benzodiazepines. Do not exceed 2 weeks treatment, or 15g in the same day. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.