Crocus sativus

Also known as autumn crocus or cultivated crocus.
The story…
Saffron crocus is unknown in the wild. Its ancestor, Crocus cartwrightianus, is native to the East Mediterranean. Around 150,000 flowers and 40 hours of intensive manual work are needed to produce 1kg of dried saffron, which makes it one of the most expensive spices in the world. If over 90% of the world production comes from Iran, the finest and most expensive saffron is produced in Indian Kashmir. The name derives from Arabic asfar (أصفر ), yellow, because of its coloring properties.
Nervous system
Saffron has a regulating effect on the nervous system: in periods of depression and lack of motivation, it has a stimulating effect: traditionally, it is said to bring “joy and wisdom”. For overexcited people, saffron acts as a tranquilizer and light sedative, and helps to sleep. Finally, it protects the nervous system against negative effects of aging.
Infusion: add a small pinch of saffron stigma to an infusion, for example German chamomile or lime-blossom.
100 mg stigma, twice a day, in capsule or with food (ideally mixed with clarified butter or olive oil).
Contraindicated for pregnant or nursing women and people taking antidepressant, anxiolytic, sedative or other drugs. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.