Salvia rosmarinus

Also known as anthos, polar-plant, compass weed, incensier or Mary’s mantle.
The story…
Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region. It grows on arid and sunny soil, such as scrubland and stony ground, generally on chalky soil. Its name is said to derive from latin ros marinus, sea dew, because humidity from the sea provides it with enough water along the coast. It is a traditional symbol of remembrance, especially for the beloved: in Shakespeare’s Hamelet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.”
Rosemary increases the production of gastric, liver and pancreas secretion. It has a light depurative effect by stimulating the liver, facilitating toxin elimination. It improves metabolism functioning after excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol or fat and eases hepatobiliary migraines. It helps protecting the liver against oxidative stress and certain aggressive substances. Drink an infusion before the meal, or as a cure during periods of food excess, for example during holiday season.
Antioxidant (cell protection and intellectual stimulant)
Antioxidant properties of rosemary protect the body cells against early aging, both internal (degenerative diseases) and external (wrinkles). They also have a stimulating effect on cerebral activity and improve memory. Rosemary also helps in case of insomnia and mental strain during important periods of decision. A light infusion can be taken daily, as well as seasoning.
Infusion: 1 tablespoon of flowers or leaves (preferably young plants), fresh or recently dried, per cup.
Contraindicated for people suffering of gallstone or liver diseases, and pregnant or nursing women (except as a condiment, in low quantities). In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.