Alchemilla vulgaris

Also known as nine hooks, bear’s foot or lion’s foot.
The story…
Lady’s mantle is native to Europe and North America. It grows in woods, wet pastures, meadows and mountains. When eaten by livestock, it gives a specific taste to milk and cheese. It gave their name to alchemists, who used it to collect dew for their preparations when searching for the philosopher’s stone.
Gynecological disorders
Lady’s mantle is a hemostatic (slowing bleedings down) and helps to regulate excessive menstrual flows, especially during premenopause, and bleedings between the periods or after childbirth. It also eases period pains. It has a tonifying effect on the uterus (mucous tissues, tendons, ligaments), for example after childbirth.
Mouth and throat inflammations
It eases inflamed tissues, such as gingivitis and aphtas, especially when swollen or exuding, when used as a mouthwash; it also helps to keep preventive mouth hygiene. As a gargling, it appeases tonsillitis when the tonsils are very swollen and infected.
Infusion: approximately 15g dry leaves per cup; 2 to 3 cups a day, away from meals.
Use with caution if you are taking oral contraceptives (effect close to progesterone): take advice from your gynecologist before using lady’s mantle.
Contraindicated for people suffering gastritis, gastro-duodenal ulcer and pregnant women. Do not take close to other medicine to not block the latter’s absorption. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.