
Also known as kiwifruit and Chinese gooseberry.
The story…
Kiwis are native to China, particularly the northeastern province of Shaanxi, where they have been cultivated for at least 1,200 years. They exist outside of since a fairly short time: first in England and then in the rest of Europe in the 19th century, and a little later in the United States and New Zealand, which is now the third largest producer after China and Italy. Kiwis appreciate deep, light, well-drained soils with sunny exposure sheltered from the wind. The name kiwi (rather than Chinese gooseberry) was spread by a New Zealand company to make the fruit more attractive on the American market.
Nutritional value
Kiwifruits are very rich in vitamin C, even more so than oranges: one fruit alone can cover the entire average daily requirement. They also provides vitamin E (contained in the black seeds) and B as well as provitamin A. They provide potassium, magnesium, selenium, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorus. This makes the kiwi fruit one of the fruits containing the most antioxidants, which protect against certain illnesses related to factors including aging. It has a low glycemic index; finally, it is rich in fibers useful to the intestinal flora.
Kiwifruits produced in France are in season from November to May.
In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.