Allium sativum

Also known as common or cultivated garlic.
The story…
Garlic is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran and spread to the rest of the world. It grows on light, deep, and rich soils. It was widely cultivated in Ancient Egypt and Herodotus recalls that the first social conflict in history was caused by the suppression of the garlic ration of the Egyptian workers building the Cheops pyramid. Today, 80% of the world production comes from China. In France, several varieties are named after the region where they are cultivated – Auvergne, Drôme, Provence, etc. The word garlic derives from old English gar, spear, and lēac, leek, as a ‘spear-shaped leek’.
Garlic wets the appetite and helps difficult digestion. It prevents or diminishes colic and bloating as well as infection by parasites. It contains prebiotics, which stimulate the development of beneficial bacteria in the gut flora.
Blood circulation
Garlic improves circulation by dilating small blood vessels and has an anti-hypertensive effect. It facilitates lipid metabolization and is an anti-coagulant, both effects limiting the risk of atherosclerosis. It protects against certain heavy metals and toxins.
Immune system
Garlic contains several natural antibiotics and antivirals, as well as A, B1, B2 and C vitamins. It helps to prevent colds and accelerate recovery.
It can be eaten raw or cooked in various dishes. Removing the sprout makes it easier to digest.
Infusion: use one fresh garlic clove for a cup of water, infuse 3 to 5 minutes. Drink between 1 and 3 cups a day.
Garlic is not recommended in case of anemia or porphyria. It contains anticoagulants which may interact with antiplatelet drugs. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.