Coriandrum sativum

Also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro.
The story…
Coriander is used in cooking in Asia, Latin America and around the Mediterranean. It was frequent in burial places in Ancient Egypt; Ancient Hebrews used it to flavor biscuits and Romans, to keep meat fresh. Its origin is rather mysterious: it grows in the wild in a vast area in the Near East, in Asia and in the South of Europe. If the origin of its name is uncertain, a hypothesis states that it derives from the Greek myth of Ariadne, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae and half-sister of the Minotaur.
Nutritional value
Coriander leaves are rich in vitamin K (which participates in blood coagulation and bone development), beta-carotene (provitamin for vitamin A, which plays a role in vision, skin and mucous tissues health, bone formation and immune system).
Stress and tiredness fatigue
Coriander seeds tea has an anxiolytic (anxiety appeasing) effect. It therefore helps insomnia due to stress, but has to be taken during the day: it is also a stimulating and tonifying plant, useful in case of sudden tiredness.
Herbal tea soothes many digestive disorders: it has a carminative effect (on bloating), an antispasmodic effect (it calms cramps) and helps difficult digestion in case of cold or convalescence.
Infusion: 1 tablespoon of seeds per cup; cover and let infuse for 10 minutes. For digestion, drink 1 cup after the meal, possibly combined with other digestive plants: angelica, dill, fennel, green anise, etc.
In food: use ideally fresh and recently picked leaves, as a side dish or as a condiment. Dried fruit (usually called seeds) is used as a spice, especially in curries.
Contraindicated for people taking certain anticoagulants or allergies to the Apiaceae family. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.