Bellis perennis

Also known as lawn daisy, English daisy or bruisewort.
The story…
Daisy is a rustic plant, native to Europe and Asia and naturalized in most temperate regions including the Americas and Australia. It grows in dense clumps, in meadows and urban meadows, and roadsides, and blooms all along the year. The origin of its scientific name is debated: it could derive either from Latin bellus, beautiful – the beautiful perennial -, or from bellum, war, because of its cicatrizing properties and the fact that it used to grow on battlefields.
Nutritional value
Daisy leaves and flowers can both be eaten and are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamin A and protein-rich. They help to assimilate calcium and can be eaten as salads, sauces, soups or stuffing.
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
Daisy can be used as skin care, to reduce chronic inflammations (acne, rosacea, etc.), as an oily macerate or in a cream, and can be combined with other classic skin care plants such as plantago or marigold. It has an anti-inflammatory effect for sprains. It soothes inflamed mucous membranes in case of mouth (chew on leaves or use the infusion as a mouthwash) or digestive tract (infusion) irritations.
Daisy can also be used to disinfect wounds and accelerate healing when applied externally, as an infusion or diluted tincture.
Infusion: one tablespoon of fresh or dry flowers per cup; infuse 10 minutes; approximately 3 cups a day. For mucous membrane inflammations, can be combined for example with marigold, German chamomile, plantago or liquorice.
Contraindicated for people allergic to the Asteraceae group. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.