Erigeron canadensis

Also known as Canadian fleabane, coltstail, marestail, and butterweed.
The story…
Canadian horseweed is native to Central and North America, and naturalized in Europe and Australia. It can be found in hot and dry places, often in fields, vineyards and orchards but also in cities and peri-urban areas, former industrial sites and railroads, where it grows in small cracks. Cherokees use its dried stem to make fire by friction and call it atsil’-sûñ`tï, « fire-maker ».
Horseweed stimulates waste evacuation through the kidney, which helps to heal urinary infections and cystitis. It fights water retention issues and oedema. By improving uric acid evacuation, it reduces chronic or occasional joint inflammations.
Infusion: approximately 20g dried leaves per cup, up to 4 cups a day.
It can also be eaten raw (with a salad) or cooked (soup, oven, etc.).
Contraindicated for people allergic to the Asteracea family. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.