Cynara cardunculus

The story…
The artichoke is native to North Africa or Ethiopia. It is originally a thistle, processed by selection by horticulturists. It was introduced in Europe, through Sicily, at the end of the Middle Ages, before being exported to America by French and Spanish explorers. Today, Italy is by far the leading producer. There are about fifteen varieties, most of which grow on rich, well-drained soils and in temperate or hot climates. The name comes from the Arabic ʾarḍiy shawkiy, literally translated as “the land thorn”.
Artichoke infusion has a choleretic and amphocholeretic effect, i.e. it simulates and regulates the formation and secretion of bile. It also acts on the liver by protecting and regenerating liver cells, and its high fibre content has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. It therefore promotes digestion and prevents chronic constipation. It also has a diuretic effect, useful in case of water retention. Drink one cup before a meal.
Antioxidant and cholesterol
The artichoke has an antioxidant effect, thanks to its polyphenol content, which allows it to protect against certain diseases related to aging or cardiovascular diseases. In particular, it reduces the formation of bad cholesterol (LDL).
Infusion: 10 grams of dried leaves per cup of water, possibly with 1 tablespoon of green anise seeds. Cover, leave to infuse for 15 minutes and strain.
Contraindicated in case of gall bladder stones or allergy to the Asteraceae family. In case of persistent symptoms or if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.